Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blind people don't need cash

A disturbing article on today about how the American government feels about blind people. There was a ruling not too long ago that stated American money was unfair to blind people, because all bills feel the same, and are the same sizes. There's no easy way for a blind person to discriminate a $20 from a $5 (unless you have someone in the house that can see, or you buy one of those electronic bill identifiers that only seem to work 5% of the time anyway).

The Bush Administration responded by saying that there's no need for the Treasury to change it's bills, because blind people should just use credit and debit cards! Silly me, why didn't I think of that? Yes, the next time the delivery boy shows up to the house to deliver the groceries, I will just hand him my debit card so he can run it back to the store and charge me for his tip. Yes, that sounds like a grand idea.

What it really comes down to is that the Bush Administration doesn't want to fork out all that money "just" for blind people. Blind people should just resort to other means of paying for stuff, because they're in the minority anyway, right? Sure. This is just another example of how easy it is for the blind and visually impaired to be ignored and pushed aside (especially by the Bush Administration). I'm hoping that once the democrats make it into office, that they show some reason and reverse Bush's lame decision on a real problem.
Here is a link to the article on

1 comment:

Rahel said...


As much as it might be nice to blame this on President Bush, he's not the one at fault here. It's the Treasurer you need to be worrying about.
And don't forget that it's hard for sighted people to make heads or tails of what blind people need when we have the NFB sabotaging every effort to make the world a little more accessible and our lives more convenient.